Creekside Girl Scouts

Archive for November 2008

February 22nd, International Thinking Day, is a day to remember that we are part of a worldwide organizations of Girl Scouts and Girl Guides. Girls take part in games and activities to learn about countries where other Girl Scouts live. Our Service Unit will celebrate this day on Saturday, January 24th, so as not to interfere with cookie sales activities.


As a new troop we are encouraged to attend and we do not need to put on a project display. I would love to see ALL our girls attend this event. It is only $5 and the permission slip is down in the black box to download. We will need to drive as a troop, since we will only be allowed to take Safety-Wise adults. That means if we have up to 6 girls go, only 2 adults will be able to attend. If we have 7-12 girls we can take a third adult. No tag alongs please. This event is held in the same town as my zip code, so I feel comfortable taking the girls without all the parents attending. Please check your 2009 calendar and return your permission slip with $5 as soon as possible, so that I can register our troop. I would love to register our troop in December so we can be sure they have room for us.



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